Additional Programs
At AYA, we provide students with a range of academic opportunities to complement their regular curricula and enhance their educational foundation.
Every academic year, students in grades 6 - 12 have the chance to explore various elective subjects. Please note that specific electives cannot be repeated within grades 6 - 8 or 9 - 12.
Students in grades 7 - 12 have the opportunity to enroll in coursework through Florida Virtual School (FLVS). These courses are recommended for highly motivated learners. For Florida residents, there is no cost for the courses or materials. It's important to note that FLVS courses should serve as enrichment and not replace AYA courses. The Principal's approval is required for enrollment.
Before signing up for any FLVS courses, students must submit an FLVS Course Request & Acknowledgement form to the Counselor. Both the parent and student must sign the form, acknowledging the following:
- Before enrolling in any FLVS courses, students must submit an FLVS Course Request & Acknowledgement form to the Counselor.
- Both the parent and student must sign the FLVS Course Request & Acknowledgement, indicating their understanding of the following:
- FLVS courses cannot replace identical courses offered at AYA, except for Grade Recovery (Final Grade of 59% or lower).
- All end-of-segment exams must be taken at AYA in the presence of an AYA proctor for credit acceptance.
- As per Florida law, every High School student must complete at least one course/segment (0.5 credit) on FLVS.
- Moreover, Florida law restricts students receiving SUFS funding from taking more than two full credits of classes per academic year.
FLVS End-of-Segment Exams for AYA Students
Students taking FLVS courses for credit must take their end-of-segment exams at AYA under the supervision of an AYA proctor. FLVS credits will not be accepted if the end-of-segment exams are not taken at AYA with an AYA proctor present.
(Taken from the AYA Student-Parent Handbook)
- Dual Enrollment is a privilege for students performing at a high level in their AYA courses. Students can take additional courses at the college level while maintaining their academic status at AYA.
- Students with grades below 80% in any classes in the semester or quarter preceding their dual enrollment registration will not be allowed to Dual Enroll until after the next quarter or semester grades are published. In addition, there can be no grades below 80%, even if their overall unweighted GPA is at or above 3.0.
- An official transcript showing completed coursework must be submitted NO LATER THAN ONE MONTH after the end of the semester for students to register for classes in subsequent semesters. AYA counselor will guide students in the process of getting an official transcript.
- Students may submit a screenshot of their submitted online request until the official transcript is received.
- Courses taken at HCC appear on AYA transcripts and count for credit but will not factor into the student's GPA.
- Dual Enrollment at HCC will be allowed for students in Grades 10 - 12 who have at least a 3.0 GPA on their transcript and have passed all sections of the HCC admission test (PERT).
- Transportation must be provided by the student and/or their parents.
- All coursework taken at HCC must be approved in writing by the Academic Advisor. HCC classes do not replace AYA classes:
- For example, English Composition (ENC 1101) does not replace English IV.
- Likewise, intermediate or College Algebra (MAT 1033 or MAC 1105) does not replace Math for College Readiness.
- The number of classes students are allowed to register for is determined by their grades in the term preceding the registration, as noted below:
- Three classes of Principal's Honor Roll
- Two classes if High Honor Roll
- One class of Honor Roll
- Students in grade 10 may enroll in classes for the summer following the completion of 10th grade.
- Students in grade 11 may enroll in the Spring semester, providing they meet all of the above criteria.
- Grade 12 may enroll in Fall and Spring, providing they meet the above criteria.
- Students in grade 12 may have the option of attending HCC during a portion of the school day. However, they may only register for HCC classes beginning after 12:30 pm if they are not scheduled for a class at AYA.
- While taking Dual Enrollment classes, students must abide by AYA policies, including the dress code. While on the college campuses and/or taking Dual Enrollment courses, they are AYA students representing AYA and participating in an AYA-sponsored activity.
- HCC Tuition for Dual Enrollment courses is waived for AYA students. The students are responsible, however, for covering the cost of textbooks, parking passes, and any other fees required for specific coursework.
Honors Credit is awarded to AYA courses identified as being at an Honors Level. This determination is made after comparing the course standards with those of honors-level classes in the public school system
AYA currently offers AP World History and AP US History to high school students, with plans to introduce additional AP courses each year. Students who achieve a score of 3, 4, or 5 on their AP Exams may receive both college credit and high school credit for the course. However, it's essential to note that colleges and universities hold the discretion to award this credit.